The Turing Test-Don’t know how robots act as humans.

which of the test is condcted to test, wheather an intelligent device act like human or not. discuss in detail with appropriate example.or explain turing test

The test written by Alan Turing was made public in 1950 in a paper called “Computing Machinery and Intelligence,”. this test figures whether machine have human intelligence by holding a textual conversation without being recignized as a machine.

Turing test complete introduction
Turing test - if a machine can have human intelligence

The Turing Test is a test of linguistic fluency, and reveal the thing that is most distinctive about humans.(like variations in belief and behaviour that aren’t among animals or most machines)

artificial intelligence, robot, ai-2167835.jpg

Alan Turing given the TURING TEST  originally called the  “imitation game” . In 1950 a test is conducted to test weather an intelligent device act like human or not. it tests machine ability to exibits, intelligent behaviour equivalent to ,or indistinguishable from that of human.

Joseph Weizenbaum, a german computer scientist created the first program ever to pass the Turing Test was called ELIZA .

Turing proposal

Turing proposed that a human evaluator would judge natural language conversion between a human and machine. that are designed to generate human like responses.the evaluator would be aware that one of the two participants are separated from one another.

The conversation  would be limited to text only channel. such as computer keyboard and screen so the result will not depend on  machines ability to render words as speech .

If the evaluator cannot reliably tell the machine from the human ,the machine is said to have passed the test .the result of test depends on how closely its answer resemble those as human .

Turing Game Example

Turing describe this in the form of three person game called the  “imitation game”. in  which an interrogator ask question of a man  and a woman in another room to determine the correct sex of two player.

imitation game is simply party game involving three players .Player A  is a man, Player B is a women  and Player C is a interrogator of either sex.

Turing test example
Alan turing working in his lab

Here in the game , the Player C is unable to see either Player A, Player B and communicate with them through written notes.

By asking question  of Player A and B ,C tries to determine which of two is a man or woman . Here, Player A is trying to confuse Player C, while  Player B tries to get exact result to Player C.

The concept arises From here is that if instead of Player A position the machine takes part. then will the interrogator decide wrongly as often, when game is played like this. As he does in the game between a man and woman.

The standard interpretation of Turing Test

The interpretation, in which Player C, the interrogator is given task. the task is of trying to determine from Player A  or Player B that which is a computer and which is Human.

At this point the interogator is limited to use  the response to written question to make determination . In this game both the Player A & B  are trying to trick the interrogator into making incorret decision .

All things considered Turing Test does not directly test weather the computer behaves intelligently.

It test only weather the computer behaves like a human being or not. since human behaviour and intelligent behaviour are not same.

different behaviour

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